Catrina Makeup Tutorial – Day of the Dead Makeup Guide – Step by Step
Here we’ll show you an easy step-by-step Catrina makeup tutorial so you can be prepared for this Halloween and/or Day of the Dead!
Get ready! On this Day of the Dead, you can blend right in among the souls that will roam the earth on November 1 and 2. In our opinion, the best way to do it is with simple Catrina makeup that you can customize to your liking (and then add accessories that will make you look shocking, just like the original Elegant Skull).
You will need:
- Water-based makeup: white, black, and at least two or three bright colors
- Black eyeliner (pencil or gel)
- Eyelash adhesive
- Sequins (one or two colors)
- 2 small round make-up brushes
- 1 flat brush
- 1 medium wide-flat brush
- 1 large wide-flat brush
- Wet wipes, to clean brushes and correct mistakes

Start with a clean face
First you must start with a clean and well-moisturized face. We recommend using a non-greasy moisturizing cream so the makeup does not “melt”. Don’t forget to smile!

Outline nose and eyes
With the black eyeliner, define a circle around the eyes and eyebrows. For the nose, you can draw an upside-down heart or a diamond. Look for inspiration from other makeup pictures or drawings! And don’t worry, you don’t have to make perfect strokes – you can just correct them later.

Cover your face in white makeup
This will be the skull, so you’ll need a lot of white makeup. With the big, flat brush, take a good amount and paint your entire face except the areas you outlined in black. If the makeup you found doesn’t have very good coverage, you can add more layers; just wait for it to dry between each layer.

Fill in the eyes and nose
With the medium brush, use black makeup to fill in the eyes and nose that you outlined previously. Make sure to cover every detail, and correct any imperfection you left. Don’t forget to cover your eyebrows with black, and don’t worry, since it’s a water-based makeup it will be easy to remove with water and a little soap or makeup remover.

Smiley face
The Catrina or Sugar Skull would not be the same without her smile. With one of the thin brushes, draw a horizontal line following the natural curve of your closed lips, and then vertical lines separated by about 1 centimeter, simulating the skeleton’s teeth. Make sure the center lines are the longest, and those on the edges the shortest, to give a bit of perspective.

Awaken your inner Picasso!
Time to get creative! With the same brush, use black to draw some curves, points and ornamental figures on your face. You can try doodling on a sheet before so you can find the indicated pressure and the stroke with which you feel most comfortable.

Color = beauty
With the flat brush, take plenty of one bright-colored makeup, so that one stroke is enough. Make each stroke on the edge of the circles around the eyes, like making a flower. Separate each stroke enough so you can add a second or even a third color. Do the same on both eyes.

Time to draw!
With the same colors, highlight some other details or make small drawings that stand out. We made hearts (done in two strokes) and some dots, nothing complicated!

Born to shine
Glitter and more! For this step you can use sequins in one or two colors. With the eyelash adhesive, put a drop between each of the color spots you painted around the eyes. Let the glue dry a little so that the sequin stays in place. You can place each sequin with tweezers or use your fingers.

Don‘t get caught…
If you want to go completely unnoticed among the dead, make sure to paint your neck so you really look like a walking skeleton. With the large brush, make two or three thick horizontal strokes, and then cross them with an horizontal line, simulating the spine. Paint everything else black, and don’t forget to protect your clothes from stains with wet wipes.

Pull your scariest face
Makeup ready! Let your hair loose or braid it, then put on a hat or make a floral crown … there are many options and you can do them yourself very easily. We prefer a crown and a white dress, but a black suit or dress can also look amazing. Now you’re perfect to go to the traditional Parade of the Souls on the Day of the Dead.